Saxolia by Italcrafts

Saxolia is a brand born from Italcrafts’ vast experience in the ceramic industry.

Italcrafts has been in business since 1976: we are the point of reference for the international trade of tiles and furnishing accessories to guarantee our customers a turnkey service on overseas construction sites. In particular, we are the market leader in Africa and the Caribbean, providing on-site presence of qualified company personnel.

Over the years, the constant growth given also by the great trust that customers and partners place in us, prompted us to come up with a new brand: Saxolia, through which we created exclusive lines with unique designs.

The materials we use, state-of-the-art technology and the know-how of our designers characterise our products to guarantee quality and durability, as well as a contemporary and elegant appearance.

All this strictly made in Italy.

Scopri di più

The strength of Italcrafts, the uniqueness of SaxoliaItalcrafts,

We have extensive experience in the industry: we have been there since 1976

We are always present on our customers' large construction sites

We guarantee high stock availability: we have warehouses covering
300,000 m2

We create unique collections: Saxolia tiles are only for our customers